Monday, December 26, 2011

Be yourself

I know this is nothing beauty related but I wanted to do a post about my nephew Carter. I really wanted to talk about self esteem and being you and not caring what other people think. And your thinking what does this have to do with Carter, a little baby boy who is only a 13 months old? Well Carter recently had to wear a helmet for almost the whole year of his life. People always stared, gave weird looks, and admittedly jumped to conclusion that he had mental problems or maybe down syndrome etc... Im very blessed and lucky that he didnt but he did have plagiocephaly which just means his head was a not exactly round and kinda slanted. Carter is very lucky to have parents that love him a lot and made sure that his head could be corrected. I would go out with Carter and my sister right after we got the helmet and it was an adjustment. I remember, I don't know where we were, but someone had stared and started pointing and whispering. I looked right at them and they saw me but didn't smile or anything. Its rude in general to stare at anyone but when I look directly at you and your whispering and pointing come on now. I could never imagine sitting and staring at baby and whispering about the way they look right in front of the parents. Im not saying everyone was mean and like that. Carter always got a smile from people and Carter would smile right back like the nice boy he is.

What I'm really trying to say is that judgment of a person starts when you're young. It is sad to say but it does. I really learned a lot from Carter. He is just a baby and of course didn't know that he has a helmet(well he did because it was on his head but you know what I mean lol.). He would laugh, smile and be the happy baby I know everyday. He didnt care that yeah he may look different and people were staring. He was being him and that all that matters.

I'm a teen right now and peer pressure to look skinny, have flawless skin, and the newest stuff is always a struggle. So this is why I wanted to write this and have a story to share. I get insecure with myself time to time but I have always been confident with myself too. Sure things affect me and I'm not perfect but I know who I am and what I let affect me and and make my day bad. I dont try to impress people. I like looking cute and have a flawless face because it makes me feel good. So if someone stares at me, talks bad about the way I look. I just try to be like Carter and smile on.

xoxo Madison


  1. Funny the lessons we can learn from little ones! You're right, Madison. I think that not letting things get to you is like a muscle -- you have to work at it to make that part of your self strong. I wish it would get easier automatically as you age, but I think it only gets easier to not be bothered when you work at it.

    You are such a lovely lady.

  2. Hey!! You've been tagged!
