Saturday, May 29, 2010

New post!

Ok so this post is really about nothing. So today is Saturday night..and I should be getting in the shower but Im kinda tired to right now. LOL So yesterday me and my mom had a full day in the car! Well the 91 freeway was closed so that was the main problem. We went to Grandmas house and we left at 12:15 well thats when we found out looks like we are not getting home for awhile. The stupied police where tellin people to go on this on street and that did not get us to corona and then we have to go toward O.C and then go all the way home. So we stopped and at at 4 o clock to eat so I was in the car for 4 hours already..then we left at 5:30...and when we got home was 9! Yeah thats how bad traffic was. Im kinda sick so my throat was killen me. And I was just soo tired and bored I thought we were never gonna get home. I started cryin at one point because I was tired and hot my throat was killen me.. ugh. But me and my mom took some pic..blasted the music and there was some fun times. But ya. Now today was my cuzins Alex Graduation party..I didnt go because I dont feel so good and yesterday wass a longg day. Well It looks like I better go! Pink Peace Love Madison

Saturday, May 15, 2010

~ party like a rockstar ~

WWoo what a weekend! Yesterday mackenna, omni and cassey came over. We went to the movies and hung out. We have a spot where its OURS we just sit aorund its in front on khols. And we r just siting there talking these girls are like what are you doing? And mackenna yelled out what does it look like where doing Siting!!!! what are you doing walking??? ahahaha then they wanted to start stuff and im like UM NO ahaha. Then like all of a sudden it seemmed like more and more ppl where invading OUR area ahah OH! I almost forgot I love u Kristin and Shelly!!!!! (insider) So after movies we went home and went on computer and hung out. then we went outside and was taking shadow pictures and playin around. LOL ahaha we where walkin down one of my streets and found this cute little dog!!!! but i couldnt take it.. then this one house got TP sucka ahah we didnt do it but who ever did.. did a good job ahah. Now today everyone left but omni stayed longer.. we went to the park and sat on this hill.. we were watching all this kids at the water park thing. looked like alot of fun!!! Well ttyl!!!! Pink Peace Love Madison

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

This is a classroom.. ahaha then why arent we learning?

Ok so in language arts today we did nothing. Like the past two days in this class we been doing nothing... the teacher is never around..and like doesnt pay attention to what where doing. ahaha so me mackenna and alexis decieded to take pics. Here are some pics of my L.A class and peeps :P Pink Peace Love Madison