Okay guys. My last week of school is this week. I dont go tomorrow because of memorial day and then I only go Tuesday and Wednesday! Then Thursday is my graduation at 2 ! I cant wait! This should be a good weeek. <33333 I cant wait till summer. So many things to do!
So friday was our last friday of 8th grade ! :( It was kinda sad. So of course everyone went to the movies to hang. Me omni and valerie went. (: <333 We had fun of course. We are the oreos. hahah i know kinda racist but what can i say. bahaha (; We went to best buy and took pics, went to party, city, almost got into a fight with these two girls. hahaha the movies never change. (;
Today my grandparents came over for a BBQ. We had some really yummy food! I got only one pic today of me and my mom eating lunch. Hhahah. This morning we went to church. Carter is soo cute ! He always good in church. (: <333
For Memorial day I just want to thank all the soldiers who have lost there lives for our country.
Also for everyone who was and still is serving our country now. <3333
Pink Peace Love Madison