Friday was my friend Amandas party. Best party everrrrrr. I had so much. I was with Valerie,Omni, and Cassey the most. <3333 It was crazyyy night. Wish every Friday could be like that. Met some really cool people and hanged out(:

Saturday I went to my grandmas with my mom Briana and Carter. We went out to eat and visited. My grandma just lovess being with carter.
Me and Briana in the car on the way to grandmas (:

Me and Briana in the car on the way to grandmas (:
Then today was Easter! We went to church in the morning me my mom dad briana and carter. Carter was making so many new friends hes was very excited to be at church with all the people.
Then we got home and I opened my easter basket and present from Briana. I got a Bunny Pillow Pet named Tony (: <3333 Andd lotss of candy.Then Carter got a big Floppy pet that is a frog. (: Briana got me this cute necklace with the Eiffel Tower on it. <3333
After we went to my Aunt Shelleys house and we had like a bbq with chicken and ham. We also had a easter egg hunt. Then I was playing Ping Pong with my cuzzins. It was a really great Easter!