"Forever could never be long enough for me to feel like I've had long enough with you"
--Train; Marry me
Since Monday was Valentines Day I thought that quote would be perfect to start this blog with! && also because I really like the song.
Friday I went and saw Justin Bieber's movie Never Say Never with Alexis.<333 It was sooo goood. I wasn't a JB fan but this movie definitely made me one.(: It was crazy how in love girls are with him. I felt like I was at his concert because everyone was screaming their heads off.
Saturday I went to the Outlet with my Mom, Briana, and Carter. I got a cute Grey heart Valentines shirt.I got Nicole and I matching ones. I got some yummy lemon scent lip gloss.
Sunday I went with Briana and my Mom to Carters Doctors appointment to get measurements and scanning of his head for his helmet. :( Every time the lady tried t o scan it he kept moving. We tried it like 60 times. She was very annoying the Doctor. Like what do you except a baby to do? So we finally got Carter to go to sleep and she could then get the scans. It took a hour and a half. My poor buggles. He was crying towards the end because he was tired. I never see him really cry so it broke my heart.
I also went to Nicoles house for a little bit while she baby sat Jayden. We played Just Dance ! (: Then we went to my house and watched a movie, took pictures, and was on the computer. Had lots of fun. I also left my phone at her house. :( I was so lonely without my phone!! I have it now though. (:
I had a great weekend with the people I love the most. Happy Valentines. <333