I like doing blogs because gives me time to reflect and talk about whats been going on in my life kinda like a diary ? I always wished I was good with doing diary's but unfortunately I'm not. Haha (:
Anyway today is Friday and now I'm off for a week for Thanksgiving! Sweeeet.
I'm not really sure what were doing for thanksgiving....I hope... I will get to spend it with Carter <33333
Briana my sister is going to be induced Sunday night. I cant wait for this baby to come out already! Gosh I feel like she has been pregnant foreverrrrrr. :P
Eeeep Im gonna be a Aunt!. (: <3333
I PREDICT what he will look like.(everyone thinks im wrong) but whatever.
I have a feeling hes gonna have superr light hair and not alot. Hes defiantly gonna be long.
They say Im wrong because dark hair is a more dominant trait but idk... i dont think hes gonna have dark hair. Hahaha
Oh well whatever he looks like hes gonna be PERFECT!
**im gonna post some pics and the one of him is superr old but its the only i have.
and the other one is where i painted Briana stomach for halloween!
Pink Peace Love Madison.