Last weekend was fun! Movies was friday wit Shelly Valerie Deja Cameron and Marquise <333. Shel Bel spent the night friday. Then next day we chilled and left for Nicoles house for her little sister bday party (: Me and meme got there early well bc it was better then staing at my house XD and yeah Jared, Nicole's dad tooks us for a ride in there new car XDDD its sooo bomb. Way better then there old one. Nicole got to the party latee so me and omni where just hanging wit jaydenn <33. There was a taco man OMG yummY! I love mexican food. there was a jump so wen nicole and lizzy got there we were in there. yeahh it was superr duperr fun ! omg drama tho like a girl name kaitlyn was sayin stuff about omni just like a little 8 year old but w.e. and i spent the night again at niks on sunday we went and say ESAY A. It was rrly good! I liked it. Then we went to target and in the clearnce there was the school stuff so i got a 75 cent magnet mirror for my locker!!! <3333. I need to go bac because they got wayy more stuff. So yeah that was my weekend. Friday is Ally bday party ! Starts at 7 end at midnightt. So yeah ima pick up valerie on the way since she lives the street down from me. and i wanted 20$ for a new shirt for her bday! waaaaaa. but no one will give me moneyy soo wut im hopeing is i trick my dad and say i need 20 dollors for ally bday gift but my mom already gave me some and then ill use the 20 for the shirt. hahahah likely this is soooo not happening but hhaaha ima try! :DD
Pink Peace Love Madison