Hi! Ahaha ok so I have been off track for about 2 weeks to 3 weeks. I have gone to Disneyland twice wit nicole,being going to the our water park with Omni and Valerie, textin Kenna, made braclets with nicole,and now Im going to be wit my sis for awhile :D Also made lots of insiders! Beenrs!~F.A.O!~Snooks!~Warmest wishes!~ and ugh i think theres more but I just can think of them. Things I want to do is:go to beach wit frans,go to dland again wit nik, swim, shop and get my hair cut and dyed :D I have celbrated my Grandmas 95th bday. Wowzer soo old bbut acts young. Things I got to look forward to is My Dad And Brianas bday. OH I also found out that Briana is having a precious baby boy lol. :D Im happy :DWell Im trying to stay awake bc the other night I fell asleep on Valerie, and in the morning sh texted me and i texted her bac and I fell asleep on her...so I promised Im staying up! LOLZ Well here are some pics I have taken :D