OMFG!! Had soo much fun at the movies. LOL Ok so let me frist start off with saying there was this older dude right. Ok and I was like OMG!!! Theres a older looking Ian Corner.. Ok so me kenna omni and cassie start calling him over like IAN!!! And alll of a sudden he start walking over with his friend. ahaa he was like high or something but idk and he got dice in his hand he kept on shaking it and this is what he saying "want to placcceee somme diccee ni**g come on lets go go" and like seriously all through the night we where like HI IAN!!! and he was like come come on guys lets play and omni was like i play you for some candy ahaha. ok so this guy we saw like all through the night. then all of a sudden some one was like MADDY!!! And I turn around and the girl was like hi! And I was like oh hi... and I was thinking who are you?? Then all of a sudden I STOP and Im like OMNI that was Ian (nicole's ian) ex girl friend!!! I only talked to this girl on myspace before and I was like DAMNN She UGLYY ahah so ally was like thats our new saying ahaha.. anyway so i was like hi to her and stuff haha it was so funny. Ok then there was this kid Nick and he was like so funny! And he was like hey u guys have you see a girl name Mo and omni was like NO MO hahaha and he was super cool. hahaha then at the end of the night some fight started and me omni kenna deja cassie and like all the people at crossings start following this fight..then all of sudden u c police coming and blah blah and they come up to us and told us we had to leave early because of the fight.. ugh W.E OH! I almost forgot we all went to target and omni bought some candy and we where throwing them all night at people funny! OMG!!! Also we went into Barnes and Noble and of course we got kicked out lol Well that was my Friday night!! Pink Peace Love Madison