So today I got home from the black eyed peas concert with Nicole last night! It was sooo good!! LMAFO and Ludacris played!! It was soo awesome! So I got home and I know Abby has been sick for awhile.. and its been a month since we took her to the vet to see what was wrong with her. And I guess today was the day she could not hold on any longer..I think Abby stayed strong a little bit longer because of me. When we first got her she was 7 years old just like me! And I remember how cool I thought that was!I just always was like we are the same age we could be friends lol. And Abby is 13 and I just turned 13 two days ago.. and I think maybe she waited for me to be the same age as here just like when we got her. I know that sounds crazy and weird but it could be true?!?? Well here are to pictures of her when she was so cute and bubbly and fun! I miss you Abby!!!! Maddy loves you!!!!!